The story of a remarkable, tortured cat

Snow was found in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Paws For The Cause Feral Cat Rescue was contacted by a young couple that found him in their backyard. Starving and afraid, he would run and hide when they tried to get near him. After a day of trying to catch Snow, he finally got into a live trap and was rushed to the emergency vet clinic. The doctors believe his paws were tied together with a rope and a chemical, such as acid, was poured on him. He had inches of dead rotting flesh hanging from his neck ad yet he still purred and begged or attention. He was sadly diagnosed with FIV as well and the veterinarian felt he may not be able to heal from his wounds, but he proved them all wrong....
As the word spread about Snow, his story was shared across the globe. He has received support and encouragement from Germany, Denmark, Israel, Norway and just about every state in the US! Snow was featured on Detroit's Channel 7 news. Watch the video here. You can also visit Paws For The Cause Feral Cat Rescue's Facebook page or visit Snow's own page!!
As the word spread about Snow, his story was shared across the globe. He has received support and encouragement from Germany, Denmark, Israel, Norway and just about every state in the US! Snow was featured on Detroit's Channel 7 news. Watch the video here. You can also visit Paws For The Cause Feral Cat Rescue's Facebook page or visit Snow's own page!!
Snow's story has gained international attention and has been featured locally on Channel 7 news, as well as a number of local papers, including the Macomb Daily and the Sterling Heights Sentry. Please follow the links below to read/watch the stories: