TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return)
TNR stands for Trap-Neuter-Release. TNR, supported by leading national animal welfare organizations, is the most humane and effective method of controlling the free-roaming cat overpopulation crisis facing virtually every city, town, and rural community in the country. TNR involves trapping all of the cats in a colony, having them neutered, vaccinated for rabies, left ear tipped (the universal sign that a community cat has been neutered and vaccinated) and then returned to their territory, where they are monitored by their caretaker and provided with food and shelter.
Step 1 – Trap: Feral or stray cats are trapped using a safe, humane, live trap.
Step 2 – Neuter: Trapped cats are spayed or neutered by a veterinarian, vaccinated, and left ear-tipped for identification.
Step 3 – Return: Fixed cats are returned to their home.
TNR immediately stabilizes the colony, resulting in a gradual decline of the population over time. In addition, the nuisance behavior often associated with feral cats is dramatically reduced. This includes the yowling and noise that comes with fighting and mating activity and the odor of intact males' spraying to mark their territory. The cats tend to roam less and so become less of a visible presence, yet continue to provide natural rodent control, a valuable benefit in urban areas. Because there are hundreds of thousands of free-roaming cats, and because the vast majority cannot be homed, TNR is the best solution. Whenever possible, young kittens and any friendly cats are removed for vetting and socialization, and placed for adoption.
If you are conducting TNR on your own there are a few things to remember:
TNR stands for Trap-Neuter-Release. TNR, supported by leading national animal welfare organizations, is the most humane and effective method of controlling the free-roaming cat overpopulation crisis facing virtually every city, town, and rural community in the country. TNR involves trapping all of the cats in a colony, having them neutered, vaccinated for rabies, left ear tipped (the universal sign that a community cat has been neutered and vaccinated) and then returned to their territory, where they are monitored by their caretaker and provided with food and shelter.
Step 1 – Trap: Feral or stray cats are trapped using a safe, humane, live trap.
Step 2 – Neuter: Trapped cats are spayed or neutered by a veterinarian, vaccinated, and left ear-tipped for identification.
Step 3 – Return: Fixed cats are returned to their home.
TNR immediately stabilizes the colony, resulting in a gradual decline of the population over time. In addition, the nuisance behavior often associated with feral cats is dramatically reduced. This includes the yowling and noise that comes with fighting and mating activity and the odor of intact males' spraying to mark their territory. The cats tend to roam less and so become less of a visible presence, yet continue to provide natural rodent control, a valuable benefit in urban areas. Because there are hundreds of thousands of free-roaming cats, and because the vast majority cannot be homed, TNR is the best solution. Whenever possible, young kittens and any friendly cats are removed for vetting and socialization, and placed for adoption.
If you are conducting TNR on your own there are a few things to remember:
- Never leave traps unattended for a prolonged period of time.
- Always immediately place a towel or sheet over the trap once the cats are trapped. This calms the cats down and prevents them from damaging their faces on the traps, in an effort to escape.
- Never conduct TNR in extreme weather conditions, such as extreme heat or cold.
Keeping Cats Warm In Winter
An outdoor shelter gives cats that live outside a place to avoid bad weather, stay warm, keep them close to home, and deter them from exploring neighbors’ yards or areas they’re not welcome. Larger isn’t always better, because the heat will disperse quickly. Ideally a shelter is large enough for several cats to snuggle together, creating more body heat.
An outdoor shelter gives cats that live outside a place to avoid bad weather, stay warm, keep them close to home, and deter them from exploring neighbors’ yards or areas they’re not welcome. Larger isn’t always better, because the heat will disperse quickly. Ideally a shelter is large enough for several cats to snuggle together, creating more body heat.
- *Check the shelters regularly to make sure they’re in good condition. Replace bedding in the spring and fall.
- *Make the shelter waterproof, windproof, and elevated off the ground. Wood pallets are great for elevation.
- *Bedding: Straw makes the best insulation and bedding, because it resists moisture and keeps the shelter warm. NEVER use hay—it retains moisture and will make the shelter wet and cold. NEVER use blankets or fabrics for the same reason.